Why Embracing Virtual Events Could Reap Rewards Even After The Pandemic

Author: Noble Direct | | Categories: Business Development , Customer Acquisition Approach , Direct Sales , Entry-Level Marketing Jobs , Internet Service Provider , Job Opportunities , Leadership Development , Leadership Skill Training , Marketing Careers , Marketing Company , Marketing Consulting Firm , Marketing Strategic Planning , Networking , Positive Work Culture , Relationship Building

Before everything changed in 2020, many companies had already caught on to the idea of live streaming as a vehicle for a range of business activities. 

Original Article Source Credits: Forbes, https://www.forbes.com/

Article Written By  Mike Sandler

Original Article Posted on : March 16, 2021

Link to Original Article: https://www.forbes.com/sites/forbestechcouncil/2021/03/16/why-embracing-virtual-events-could-reap-rewards-even-after-the-pandemic/?sh=9edbcdab5af2